Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Jiangsu guanyun traffic coupons controversial violation be halted the intention

Jiangsu guanyun traffic coupons controversial violation be halted: the intention is to promote road safety

Guanyun, Jiangsu Province, traffic Police Brigade for pedestrians and electric car drivers, the introduction of traffic violations coupons.

Authorities wide nets of Nanjing on July 5, according to voice of the news of the evening rush hour in the past, guanyun, Jiangsu Province, traffic Police Brigade for pedestrians and electric car drivers, the introduction of traffic violations coupons. This "voucher" rule goes like this: when pedestrians or electric vehicles hit the traffic police penalties, fines by 50 percent on securities; or in the presence of police, to call anyone else, the listener as long as the corresponding rules of right, be exempted from punishment. This new law enforcement, local crowd favorite.

First Citizen: I think it's great, now many people riding a car battery does not abide by traffic rules, police impunity before, now all of a sudden penalties there is good. A discount next time I'll remember it, and I was fine.

People: sometimes the red light will be. He gave this coupon I think it is quite human, was caught in the future have long memories. Just some propaganda provisions, can learn from this. Back to your family, relatives and friends to see, to know requirements.

Of course, many people believe that in so doing, a bit inappropriate. Traffic violation fines in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations of administrative acts, not too casual. Also, didn't get the "coupon" public punishment about traffic Police Department?

People: it's not like buying food, not too casual. Law, since it is a law, strict rules and stuff.

Public d: I think it's unreasonable, receive a penalty discount list, that those of you who received the list is unfair. And that is a very serious thing, how can you say that the discount on sale there?

Guanyun County traffic police said in an interview with voice of this afternoon Zhang Xinlong, this controversy over the behavior of law enforcement innovation, it really is a bit unexpected. Zhang Xinlong said, in the context of the County launched an illegal "coupons" in the hope that an easy humor and make people more receptive to residents in the form of road safety campaigns, and "preferential" object is limited to pedestrians and electric car drivers.

He said ex-traffic information, with some empty words, people do not buy it. So this time, the original intention with a witty and humorous language, called the coupon, and what is the hope that people accept. And from the effect of issuing, results have been very good, before these vouchers, families do not look away, these coupons now, feel like fun, stay left for propaganda purposes.

Zhang Xinlong said that with the increase in electric vehicles, local traffic accidents is also increasing. Guanyun County currently has only 400,000 electric vehicles, traffic accidents caused by electric cars a day, just a dozen. As for the argument that, traffic violations, "coupons" moves will hurt the Administration's seriousness, Zhang Xinlong doesn't think so. He said traffic safety law provisions, the slightly pedestrian, non-motor vehicle driver and passengers of these three groups, minor traffic violations, may be more than 5 Yuan, 50 Yuan fine. This is also the amount, such as fine of 5 Yuan, a fine of 50 dollars, the so-called coupon, does not violate the law. Different so-called offer is punishment, such as to admit good attitude, should be fined 50-5 pieces. Visitor numbers remain high after the South Gong

Nevertheless, guanyun County Police Brigade or an emergency stop, a "coupon", said Zhang Xinlong, planned promotional period is from June 20 to July 10 traffic regulations, now replace the "coupon", is a traditional "traffic offence commitment letter" for the first time, pedestrians and electric car drivers violate traffic regulations, require their signed commitment to obey the book on the spot. After July 10, the behavior of all illegal traffic regulations, strict law enforcement, punishment according to law.

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